As with all things aquatic, Andrew has built and filled his koi pond with a unique array of some of the most beautiful koi in the US. Initially when the pond was constructed in 2022 it was oval an shape, however after realizing that managing the pond in this configuration would be difficult, he changed it to its current twenty-two feet in diameter circle. This has allowed for the pond to not only be more easily managed, but it also has allowed for the pond to be tented during cold New York winters, which hopefully has reduced stress on the koi by not having them go through extreme temperature swings or have the pond freeze over. The pond holds approximately 13,000 gallons of water and is six feet deep. Filtration consists of RDF drum filtration along with a combi RDF moving bed and a four-tier steel bakki shower.
Polo Pond consists of a multi tiered two pond set up. After the initial pond build the main lower pond was completely redone to accomodate better conditions for the koi. We are currently looking at the possibility of re-doing the upper pond as well!
The filtration for Polo Pond has evolved since it's installation. Aside from modifying and imporiving filtration systems, much work was done to the pond heating system to the keep the koi protected under the Long Island harsh winters.
Andrew has acquired a stunning collection of Japanese koi over the lifespan of the pond. The koi are hand selected and each one hold unique valuable traits that makes them beautiful coveted fish.
As seen in CORAL Magazine's September/October 2022 issue
By Michael S. Paletta with images by Michael Vargas
Close your eyes for a moment or two and try to conjure up a vision of the marine aquarium of your dreams. Chances are it’s in the 500 to 1,000-gallon (1,900 to 3,800-L) range—a fantasy that doesn’t come close to the reality of a reef tank I encountered recently in the town of Old Westbury, New York.
Read the FULL article HERE!
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